Uses and applicable sites of rock breaking chemicals

Uses and applicable sites of rock breaking chemicals

1. Rock breaking chemicals are suitable for rock mining and cutting, effectively breaking stubborn rocks without any noise.

2. Rock breaking chemicals are suitable for breaking or demolition operations in places where traditional explosives are not suitable for blasting. They are safe to use and highly efficient.

3. Rock breaking chemicals can also be used for the demolition of reinforced concrete structures, as well as the mining and cutting of various rocks such as marble, granite, jade, gold, copper and iron ores, with an efficiency increase of 2-3 times.

Stone cracking powder

Stone cracking powder

Stone Cracking Powder: static crusher, rock expander, rock ...


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Tel: 86-18186993613

Company: Hubei Superdrill Equipment Co.,Ltd

Add: Building 3, Rainbow road,No.188 ; wuhan ;Hubei province