Sb40 Sb50 Excavator Hydraulic Breaker Spare Parts Chisel Rock Tools Drill for Mining, Road, Metallurgy, and Construction - SUPERDRILL in Canada

As a leading manufacturer of hydraulic breaker spare parts, SUPERDRILL offers a range of Sb40 Sb50 Excavator Hydraulic Breaker Spare Parts Chisel Rock Tools Drill suitable for mining, road, metallurgy, and construction applications. Our chisel is made with 40CR, 42CrMo, and 42CrMoA materials, ensuring high strength and durability. With a surface hardness of HRC51±3 and tail hardness of HRC42--45, our chisel is designed to withstand harsh environments. Available in various sizes and weights, our chisel can be customized to meet specific needs.


In the mining, road, metallurgy, and construction industries, hydraulic breaker spare parts play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and safe operations. At SUPERDRILL, we specialize in providing high-quality hydraulic breaker spare parts that meet the specific needs of our clients. Our products are designed with heat treatment technology to ensure excellent durability and performance.

Product Features

Our Sb40 Sb50 Excavator Hydraulic Breaker Spare Parts Chisel Rock Tools Drill is available in various sizes and weights, ranging from 40mm to 185mm in diameter and weighing between 90kg to 120kg. With a surface hardness of HRC51±3 and tail hardness of HRC42--45, our chisel is designed to withstand harsh environments. Our chisel is made with 40CR, 42CrMo, and 42CrMoA materials, ensuring high strength and durability.

Technical Specifications

Our chisel has a tensile strength of ≥1250/mm² and yield point of ≥950N/mm². The elongation of our chisel is between 10% to 14%, with a grain size of 7.0~8.0. Our chisel is available in various shapes and sizes, including moil point type, wedge point, blunt tool, and conical point.


Our Sb40 Sb50 Excavator Hydraulic Breaker Spare Parts Chisel Rock Tools Drill is suitable for various applications in the mining, road, metallurgy, and construction industries. Our chisel is designed to withstand harsh environments and can be used for tasks such as drawing pits in rocky subsoil, separating rock slabs, and general use with additional cutting cation.


At SUPERDRILL, we understand the importance of customization in meeting the specific needs of our clients. We offer customization options for our products to ensure that they meet the requirements of our clients. Whether you need a specific shape or size of our chisel or want to modify the material used for your application, we can work with you to create a customized solution that meets your needs.


By using our high-quality Sb40 Sb50 Excavator Hydraulic Breaker Spare Parts Chisel Rock Tools Drill, you can expect improved performance and efficiency in your operations. Our products are designed to withstand harsh environments and can be used for a variety of tasks. Additionally, our products are available in various sizes and weights to ensure that you can find the perfect fit for your needs.


At SUPERDRILL, we are committed to providing high-quality hydraulic breaker spare parts that meet the specific needs of our clients. Our Sb40 Sb50 Excavator Hydraulic Breaker Spare Parts Chisel Rock Tools Drill is designed with heat treatment technology to ensure excellent durability and performance. With a range of sizes and weights available, our chisel can be customized to meet specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.


Contact Us


Phone: 86-18186993613

Tel: 86-18186993613

Company: Hubei Superdrill Equipment Co.,Ltd

Add: Building 3, Rainbow road,No.188 ; wuhan ;Hubei province